

We're authors

In Marrishland, magic is the source of all power, so it isn't surprising that it plays such an important role in its history and culture. It also lies at the heart of the conflict in the book. To find out how, read the book.

More than just authors





One of the four moons, Fraemauna is the yellow moon. It orbits the planet at a rate that is slightly slower than the planet's rotation, making it appear to travel across the sky from west to east. Because it also orbits at an angle, it sometimes travels the same line as the sun, but usually appears farther north or south in the sky. Its orbit takes 30 days.

Fraemauna is also the Mar goddess of wisdom, as well as the youngest member of the pantheon. In art and literature, she is usually depicted as an adolescent or young woman dressed in a yellow cloak — the color of Knowledge, which is the myst with which she is most often associated. This is somewhat counterintuitive, since there is also a cyan myst called Wisdom. Wisdom, however, produces illusions, while Knowledge produces divinations and can be used to produce spells that become active under certain conditions. Fraemauna is the patroness of Nightfire's Academy. Scholarly wizards often claim the patronage of Fraemauna.

(Contributed by Nightfire Tradition)


— Clothing

— Fraemauna

— Guider

— Historical Scholarship

— Kalkorean Devices

— Kalysut

— Magic Use

— Magocrat

— Morutsen

— Myst

— Nightfire's Academy

— Nightfire's Tradition

— Niminth

— Sendala

— Shadelshif

— Teleportation

— Tor

— Torutsen

— Totem

— Traditional Apprentice Selection

— "Weard's First Spell"

— Wint Magic