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Marrishland has a long and violent history. Several civilizations have risen and fallen, here, and the book tells about events during one of the most turbulant periods - a period whose events determine whether a civilization survives or dies.
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Expulsion of the Fygae (ca. 2785 - 2790 I.D.)
After the defeat of the Fygae by Liter Asper in what would later be known as the Battle of Viridite, the city's army marched east against other Fygae-occupied cities. The people of Liter Asper won their first three battles with ease - less because of their power and organization than because of the demoralizing effect stories of their victory at the Battle of Viridite had on the Fygae. Within five years, the South had overthrown their Fygaen rulers in every city except Litus Albus and two small cities on the east side of the subcontinent (Tego Vento and Ypavidus), which the Fygae had managed to hold.
The Fygae did not want to risk the remainder of their fleet in another attack against the rebel coast, so they instead sailed into Domus Palus Bay, intending to use the beach on its southern side as a staging ground for a creeping infrastructure invasion against Liter Asper. The Mardux, unsurprisingly, objected to this use of his capital city's harbor by a foreign navy. In spite of attempts at diplomacy by the Fygae, the magocracy threatened to attack any Fygaen expedition venturing into its territory.
The Fygaen admiral determined to ignore the Mardux's warning, believing the Mar wizards were not numerous enough to pose a threat to the Fygaen navy. It was true that the Mar did not have any war ships in its fleet of fishing boats and canoes. What the Fygae forgot, however, was that the wizards had no need of large siege weapon, because every wizard was a siege weapon unto himself.
The Mar repelled the first two groups of engineers by waiting until the Fygae were out of range of their ships' weapons before attacking. The Fygae with their combat belts could not hold their ground against the omnipresent myst-based magic of the Mar wizards. The Fygaen admiral quickly tired of these delays and ordered the fleet to move within bombardment range of Domus Palus. The stone walls of the city, coupled with the fire suppression abilities of the wizards made the Second Battle of Strand far less one-sided than the first had been.
After enduring the bombardment for several days, the Mar launched a counterattack. Under cover of darkness, fifty canoes rowed out from the mouth of the Lapis Amnis and into Domus Palus Bay. Each canoe had a crew of six wizards. Four of them used magic to increase the canoe's speed and manueverability to supernatural levels. The other two acted as close-range siege weapons, striking the hulls of the Fygaen ships with force and fire. In a few hours, the Mar sank five of the eighteen Fygaen ships and badly damaged six others. The magocracy lost twelve canoes and fewer than a hundred wizards compared to the estimated four hundred casualties the Fygae suffered.
The Fygaen admiral persisted, ordering a ground assault on Domus Palus. The magocrats broke this attack easily. A second night raid by the Mar against the Fygaen fleet sank the flag ship and three others, and even though the Mar lost nearly half their improvised navy in the process, this loss proved too much for the Fygaen admiral's successor. The Fygaen fleet left Domus Palus Bay and sailed south and east to reinforce the defenders of Litus Albus. The fleet ran afoul of a far-roving huricane, however, so most of the ships never reached their destination.
Having contained the Fygaen threat, the southern cities turned their attention to avenging themselves upon the magocrats of the West.
(Contributed by Weard Gilda Kronas)