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Marrishland has a long and violent history. Several civilizations have risen and fallen, here, and the book tells about events during one of the most turbulant periods - a period whose events determine whether a civilization survives or dies.

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Totanbeni Empire (ca. 500 A.C. - 200 I.D.)

Having established themselves as the undisputed masters of the subcontinent's interior, the Totanbeni turned their attention elsewhere. They designed coast-hugging ships with which they raided the shores of what are now Manarem, Aflighan, and the coastal lands that lie between Huinsey and Kafthey. While raids to these areas were common — and it is even possible that the Totanbeni established a few fortresses and colonies in these areas — there is no evidence that the Totanbeni Empire ever held political sway beyond the boundaries of the subcontinent. Rumors of the connection of the Totanbeni to the curse of the Forbidden Hills in Kafthey and to the necromancers of Aflighan persist among otherwise respectable historians, however.

Little is known about Totanbeni history during the height of its glory, since the fate that eventually befell it destroyed everyone who knew anything of interest about it. Only the accounts of coastal raids by ships decorated with human bones passed on by those living in the lands the Totanbeni pillaged remain as evidence of their ambitious naval activities. These were the infamous shadelshifs.

(Contributed by Weard Leif Gesyk)


— Outline

— Birth of Civilization

— Totanbeni and Kalkorae

— Early Mar History

— Discovery of Magic

— Mar Civil War

— The Mapmaker Race